Hi Everyone!
Went on our long awaited cruise break and I’d like to say all was plain sailing (excuse the dreadful pun), but seas were rougher than we’ve ever had in Norway, and we took a share of rain with us. I was also in some pain and the late seating at dinner no longer agrees with us. Still, we had some fun, enjoyed having no chores, including not having to cook, even though I quite enjoy cooking, and we learned a few things about what not to do on other trips.
On that note, I simply had to share an amazing view with you from the top of Nebba Mountain, Andalsnes. Apparently, (602m/1975ft high!

Not a lot because we’ve been away. Recently watched Barbie and have to say it’s brilliant. I thought one or two scenes went on too long, but the underlying messages are excellent and it really puts across all the contradictions of being a woman and the way society makes women (and to some extent men) feel.
I was all geared up to plough back into my WIP the moment I returned home, but I’ve run into a snag. While I will do some more writing, my MacBook needs a new battery. I have no option but to take it to the nearest ‘not-so-genius’ bar (in my experience), which is nowhere close to me, where, it appears, they send it away and it could take three weeks. I ask you, what writer can do without their laptop for three weeks? And I’m not someone who has everything everywhere. I can transfer some files to my ancient windows PC to get some writing done, but how I’ll do everything else is beyond me. I’ll keep you posted.
Stay happy and healthy!
Sharon x