August Reads 2024

My reading for the last month is pitiful because, strangely, I couldn’t focus on a book during this last holiday; perhaps because the ship was swaying so much, or because I’ve been suffering from a lack of proper sleep for a long time (or both), I fell asleep an awful lot, especially when I tried reading. Hope to do better in September.

The Night Eternal, Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan
Parts of this book were enjoyable, but out of the three, I’m afraid this last book in the trilogy dragged in places for me. I also found some of the plot points a little too convenient; a little Deus Ex Machina. The ending was also a little over the top. I can’t help feeling, in order to heighten tension, some stories drag out action scenes beyond human endurance. While we expect that in many action films, I’m not sure it works so well on the page. Because of this, I can’t help feeling the writers always wanted this to air as a show.

Firefly: What Makes Us Might, M.K.England
Another decent addition to the Firefly universe with a writer who portrays the characters ‘voices’ and personality. Enough intrigue and action, and for those of us who are fans, one way to continue to enjoy the series, which ended far too soon.

About Sharon

Writer of Dark and Light Fiction. Fact, fiction, poetry, short stories, articles and novels. Cross-genre, slipstream, non-traditional romance, gothic, horror, fantasy and more... Visit this diverse writer's site.
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